Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ethical Issue Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Issue Analysis - Essay Example This makes them be accountable for their actions since the current working situation is more demanding not only to the customers alone but also to the society at large. This is not an exception for a dental college that is not yet well established in the sense that they could be lacking the appropriate facilities to offer quality training for the students. Fairness and honesty become a big issue in the sense that ethics are considered a moral dilemma. Brighton dental college has been established through the efforts of a community that is prone to dental diseases. This was regarded as a short cut to achieving good health for the teeth in future. The administration thought that sustainable development for all institutions in the society would start with the society itself coming up with strategies to help them. With time the college was expected to expand into a bigger institution and therefore for a start, it was advisable that they come up with flexible ethical considerations that would ensure that all those interested in pursuing a career course were included. Among the key players were the community itself who were regarded as a force with which the college would work for. It was assumed that once the college had accepted the introduction of the college into the society, they would be given an appropriate setting where they would slowly establish themselves. The institution itself has a team of tutors who are expected to deliver quality education with which they can attract more learners. To enable this to become a reality, the ethical considerations that are put in place should be those that the society can withstand. As a dental college, the management is expected to act according to its moral guidelines so as to be able to attract a large number of dental students to the college (Glenn & Rowe, 2010). However, this may not be the case since they do not have stable facilities and have to, therefore, come up with strategies though which to serve students

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